Coming Up:
JEZEBEL THE JUSTIFIED Featuring Natasha Gant (production photo on right) @ Stephen Joseph Theatre (As part of National Student Drama Festival) Sunday, 13 April: 3:30pm &10pm Monday, 14 April: 2:30pm & 7:30pm
A dark one woman show with tendancies towards performance art described as "visceral" by Backstage in NYC this summer.
TO FIND OUT MORE click on the image at right or visit our THEATRE page.
In mid-May of next year RED will be holding auditions for another theatre/dance/music production, "The Rain". It's dark, it's aggressive, it's poingant, and it's a trip-hop opera. |
Artistic Director Jonathon Morgan is currently in Scarborough at the National Student Drama Festival with JEZEBEL THE JUSTIFIED featuring Natasha Gant.
RED just finished it's run of LAUGHING WILD by Christopher Durang at the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts. The play starred Tiffany Paul and Kyle Grant and was a complete success. Watch this space for production photos in the near future.
Just before that RED put up TONES, a new play, at THE CASA to sell-out audiences. The play starred Kevin Kemp and Kathrine Kolgrov, with live music accompaniment by Jack Cheshire. Watch out for future performances.
If you didn't catch Radical. Evil. Drama. Productions' SEASONAL LAUNCH PARTIES, you missed live performances by Duke Raoul, Jack Chesire and The View. You also missed the film premiere of "Tuition" Parts 1 and 2. Never fear though, there will be plently of gigs coming up by these bands at others, including a regular event at 3345 Parr Street. (Where the Saturday party was held)
RED finished it's run of "Jezebl the Justified" in New York City. Check out our Reviews section to see what the critics thought.
Whilst in NYC, RED also pursued opportunities for two New York Productions this time next year. Keep checking this space for more information about those endevours. With all company members now returned to the UK, RED is back creating new work. |