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Jonathon Morgan founded the R.E.D. Company in November 2000 in Cleveland, Ohio. Deciding that there was a gap in the Cleveland scene that needed to be filled, R.E.D. found its niche doing original, aggressive and socially minded shows in small venues around the city. Their initial production, "Cycle of Repression", challenged the American consumerist ideals and capitalist economic system from a small art gallery in Cleveland's industrial Tremont neighbourhood.
After the brief inaugural season, RED re-located to Liverpool, UK, where a new team was formed, and new projects began. "My Fucking Problem", RED's first UK production, performed at the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts, played to sell-out audiences. Most recently in the UK, RED staged "Powder My Nose", and original Hip-Hop/R&B Musical, written by Artistic Director Jonathon Morgan, with an original score by Company Producer/Musical Director, Nurhayat Noor Mohamad. RED has just finished their first New York production, "Jezebel the Justified" (starring Natasha Gant) as part of the International Fringe Festival. We were all pleased with the New York response to the show, and hope to produce one, if not two shows in conjunction with other NYC theatre companies in Summer 2003.
RED now continues to uphold its cutting edge ideals and strives to convey its mission through the quality and content of its productions.