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FringeNYC "Propaganda" Newspaper
Another ex-patriot that has brough us theater from the UK is Jonathon Morgan of R.E.D. (Radical. Evil. Drama.) Productions. After having experienced New York's 2001 Fringe Festival first hand in the production of "Angst: 84", he has written and directed a one-woman show for this year. His show, "Jezebel the Justified", seemed llike a good match for New York's Fringe because Fringe NYC is "more of a welcoming atmosphere for experimental, aggressive stuff."
The show stars Natasha Gant. She said the piece is challenging both to perform and to watch, which is good for the production. It is the story of a woman forced to face terrible circimstances brough about by religion. Natasha's role is harsh, but she claims that the harshness placed in the context of her life makes her character's demenour both natural and understandable.
By Andrew Henkes